Craniosacral Therapy is a complementary, light-touch, manual therapy, developed by Dr John Upledger in 1970's. CST is a powerful, holistic and intelligent form of body work that addresses the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord), the meningeal membranes, and fluids which surround, support, protect and nourish the CNS, thereby facilitating the restoration of harmony, health and self-healing of all systems within the body.
CST is a gentle, non-invasive, hands-on approach that releases stresses and tensions held deep within, in order to relieve pain and dysfunctions thereby improving whole-body health, vitality and performance.
The techniques Harriet uses apply the Craniosacral methodology not only to the cranial and sacral areas, but also to the torso, neck, arms, legs and to wherever the body guides her to elicit a whole-body response. Her work also involves the cranial bones, meningeal membranes, skeletal, muscular, respiratory, endocrine, lymphatic, vascular, nervous and digestive systems.
The treatment is highly individual and can be different each time. Typically, people respond with feelings of warmth, softening and pulsing in the areas that the therapist is working on, and generally feeling deeply relaxed.
People sometimes ask about the name Craniosacral Therapy and some use the term to refer only to treatment to the head. In fact, Craniosacral Therapy works with the whole person and changes can occur in body, mind and spirit during and after sessions.